5 Digital Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

With the COVID-19 shutdowns surrounding every aspect of daily life, small businesses are looking for ways to adapt. Based on a survey of 500 small businesses, we’ve compiled a list of 7 digital marketing tips about exposure, revenue, and market presence for small businesses in this time of crisis. 

Small businesses are looking for the right opportunities to stay afloat due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the current lack of physical options and more reliance on the digital landscape, digital marketing continues to provide value to small businesses looking to expand their reach and revenue.

Read on to learn how your small business can be more efficient with digital marketing. 

1. Build a Strong Social Media Presence

As the opportunity for direct face-to-face communication is currently limited, small businesses should take to social media to reach their customers.

Social media is part of the majority of small businesses’ marketing plans. Almost all small businesses (88%) invest in social media. 

2. Use Email Marketing Campaigns to Connect With Customers

While some may argue that email marketing is outdated, most small businesses still use email to facilitate personal connections with their clients. 

More than half of small businesses (54%) plan to use email marketing as part of their digital marketing strategy in 2020. The impact of email marketing goes beyond a cluttered inbox. It’s a key digital marketing tool for small businesses looking to expand their brand’s reach and influence.

3. Expand Website Marketing Efforts

Online visibility is extremely important for businesses in this day and age. If your business doesn’t have a website, your presence within your market is essentially nonexistent. 

Small businesses need look no further than their own web platforms to increase their knowledge of website marketing. In 2020, about 56% of small businesses invest website marketing to increase their digital presence.

Web marketing is a more focused digital effort through in-house resources. By building online relationships, website marketing is one of the most measurable tactics. Small businesses can study their site’s traffic and engagement levels, finding areas to grow their success. This is a quick way to find what works and what doesn’t. 

4. Start Using Video Marketing

The use of eye-catching videos can help small businesses dominate the digital marketing circuit because videos make the average user spend 88% more time on a website. 

Despite over half of consumers wanting to see more video content from brands they support, only about one-third of small businesses (32%) plan to invest more in video marketing this year.

Although creating an engaging video involves more of a time commitment, different businesses are using video marketing as a resource for exposure during this period of time.

5. Determine Your Small Business’s Main Goal

Having a main goal to measure the success of your digital marketing efforts might be the most beneficial digital marketing tip of all. Before starting their small business marketing plan, companies must determine their primary digital marketing goal. 

Currently, more than three-quarters (76%) of small businesses believe their digital marketing efforts are effective in achieving their company’s goals.

Starting with a concrete goal and executing on that is one way to structure a small business digital marketing plan. Each business is different. No matter your goal for digital marketing, the primary concern during this time is holding your business together. 


This article was originally published on The Manifest

by Anna Peck